Magna Rx Transdermal Topical Lotion Works

I've been using this Magna Rx cream along with their pills for 6 months and noticed some pleasant changes. No, my penis didn't grow 3"... but what happened is that it did get noticably thicker and harder when erect. This is a good thing because my girlfriend is a hard-ridin' cowgirl who sometimes gets going fast and in extreme directions and this could hurt at times. But since it thickened up, pain is NEVER a problem anymore. Also, I noticed that the area of maximum sensitivity grew from just around the head to now include the top 35%....I like this! The changes didn't happen suddenly.... it has just been a steady thickening over time and I will continue to use the cream to see what happens. Another thing that makes it harder and stronger is the Ultimate Prostate Massager. I just insert it and turn it on while we have sex and my girlfriend remarked on how hard my penis has been getting ... her new nickname for me is "Diamond Cutter" or "D.C." (because I get so hard I could damage her diamonds!)....Hahaha!

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