Do Penis Pills Really Work?

I have tried 5 of the top brands of penis pills over the past 4 years. I gave each brand at least 3 months to show me some results. I discarded any product containing Yohimbe because this is not good for you. All the products seemed to increase sperm and prostatic fluid production and shorten my "recovery time" between ejaculations. That is, if it normally takes a guy 5-6 days to get to "Horniness Level 10" again (after ejaculation), if you take the pills, it cuts the recovery time in half. So, from that standpoint, they all seem to work well.

The only product that got any growth results was Magna Rx. It didn't quite grow the way I thought it would. No, it didn't cause it to "curley-Q" like a pig's penis....but it caused it to grow thicker from the mid-point up to the tip and 1/2" of length was added. I used to have 6.5" fully erect and now it gets to 7" (see the above photo). And then at the base, it thickened up and got stronger. This "base thickening" happened after my girlfriend started consistently getting on top and riding me hard. The first few times it really hurt because she twisted it but I wanted to be of utmost service to my fabulous lover so I just took it like a man.........then somehow, over a period of 6 weeks, my body "knew" that it needed to beef up the base and it slowly got stronger and wider. Now my girlfriend can jump on top and ride me like crazy and it does not hurt. And because she is in total control she always cums. I love it when this happens!!!!!

All those claims of "Gaining 3-4 inches" are a bunch of baloney and if they are sued for their claims they say, "Oh, we meant the gain you see from flacid to fully-erect "when they talk about 3-5" gain.

Magna Rx can cost up to $29.95/bottle in health food stores but I found it on line at $14.94 at It's apparently "The World's Most Popular Male Enhancement Program".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.